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In these unprecedented times, Pullman CrossFit strives to protect the integrity CrossFit while also providing a safe environment for all involved. We will continue our mission to administer and promote CrossFit to provide opportunities for fitness and the best possible experience for those involved.


The current coronavirus (also known as “COVID-19”) pandemic has changed how industries across the United States and the world are conducting business. It has cast uncertainty and apprehension into even the most routine commercial interactions. Despite these circumstances, many industries continue to provide their customers with services necessary for continued economic stability and public safety. On one hand, continuing operations means Pullman CrossFit is supplying integral services and helping prop up the American economy during a time of economic downturn. On the other hand, Pullman CrossFit is operating in uncharted territory, which carries costs and risks of its own.


In the ever-changing landscape of this pandemic, Pullman CrossFit will be proactive in trying to limit these risks. The gym staff will monitor and comply with government rules and guidelines. Also, participants must recognize and acknowledge that, while participating in CrossFit, there are inherent risks to all activities and there are many unknowns about the virus transmission when it comes to physical activity. 


Personal feelings on how the government is handling our state’s re-opening plan vary greatly in our society. In developing these guidelines, Pullman CrossFit is simply following government mandated requirements and will be held to those standards as we create a safe environment based on the direction we have been given. 


Our current gym guidelines are a living document. Pullman CrossFit will make adjustments to the guidelines as necessary to accommodate any suggestions and/or mandates made by government officials. We acknowledge that the environment surrounding COVID-19 is evolutionary in nature, as a result, these guidelines are subject to change throughout the year. 


Guidelines for Pullman CrossFit For Current Phase 2 Operations (updated 5/29)

DISCLAIMER: Coaches, participants, and their family engaging in Pullman CrossFit activities do so with knowledge of the risk and potential exposure involved and agree to accept any and all inherent risks to their personal health.


Safety and Health Requirements  

All staffed fitness training facilities operating during Phase 2 have a general obligation to keep a safe and healthy facility in accordance with state and federal law, and comply with the following COVID-19 worksite-specific safety practices, as outlined in Governor Jay Inslee’s “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” Proclamation 20-25, and in accordance with the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries General Requirements and Prevention Ideas for Workplaces and the Washington State Department of Health Workplace and Employer Resources & Recommendations at  


  1. Staff will be educated about the coronavirus and how to prevent transmission and PCF’s COVID-19 Policies. 

  2. Personal Protective Equipment

    1. All staff are to wear face masks while coaching and during general interactions with participants before or after class. 

  3. All staff will self-screen with the Washington Department of Health screening questions prior to working each day. A response of “Yes” to any of the five questions will result in the staff member being sent home and unable to work and notice sent to the gym owner. 

    1. Have you been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19?

    2. Are you experiencing a cough, shortness of breath, or sore throat?

    3. Have you had a fever in the last 48 hours?

    4. Have you had a loss of taste or smell?

    5. Have you had vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours?

  4. Staff will be asked to take their temperature at home prior to arriving at a site. Any staff member with a temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher is considered to have a fever and will be sent home and unable to work for 72 hours past their temperature returning to below 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit.

  5. When staff arrive at the gym, they will fill out the screening form verifying they are a no to the four questions above and record their temperature that was taken at home. 

  6. Staff will be sent home if they are sick or feel sick. If a staff member reports feeling sick and goes home, the gym will shut down to be immediately disinfected. 

  7. Staff will wash hands with soap and water and use hand sanitizer prior to classes beginning and after classes have completed. 

  8. Staff will maintain six feet of separation between all participants and will coach and correct form using verbal and visual cues. Tactile cues will not be used.

  9. Staff will disinfect their coaching area and all equipment used for demonstration after completing their shift.

  1. High risk clients are not permitted as part of Washington Phase 2 re-opening. High risk clients include people over the age of 65, people with serious underlying medical conditions like chronic lung disease, moderate to severe asthma and people who are immunocompromised.

  2. Participants will sign up for the class they are attending with no more than 5 people being allowed in each class. 

    1. Participants will be unable to drop into a class without prior communication with the coach and an available spot being open. 

  3. Social distancing guidelines of at least six feet of separation must be maintained by every person in the facility at all times to the greatest extent possible.

    1. Participants will be assigned one of 5 workout areas for the class and be provided the list of equipment needed for the class to retrieve prior to begging the workout. 

    2. Participants will be unable to enter the gym until any class that is currently running has exited the facility.

      1. Participants finishing a class will be asked to expedite their departure and avoid congregating in the facility or parking lot. 

  4. Participants will disinfect all equipment being used for the day prior starting use of the equipment and after completion of using the equipment

  5. Participants will enter through the north door of the facility (left door if looking at the building from the parking lot), and exit through the south door of the facility

  6. Participants will be screened prior to entry of the facility with the questions that follow and a response of yes to any question will result in them being unable to enter the facility and notice being sent to the gym owner.

    1. Have you been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19?

    2. Are you experiencing a cough, shortness of breath, or sore throat?

    3. Have you had a fever in the last 48 hours?

    4. Have you had a loss of taste or smell?

    5. Have you had vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours?

  7. All participants will wash their hands or use facility provided hand sanitizer upon entrance to the facility and prior to entering the training floor.

  8. A safety briefing will be conducted at the beginning of each class to re-emphasize the protective measures for everyone to include maintaining social distancing, sanitation protocols, and pre-session screening. 

  9. Each participant will sign a waiver of consent and commitment to the facility’s reopening policies prior to their first class. Participants will be informed to wear training attire to the facility and bring their own hand towel and water bottle.  

  10. Participants can wear face coverings if they choose. 

  11. Participants are encouraged to avoid bringing their children to the gym during Phase 2, but children are not prohibited. 

    1. Children young enough to stay in a stroller should do so for the entirety of the class.

    2. Children not in strollers should stay in the upper back room for the entirety of the class and practice social distancing if they are with children outside their household. 

    3. Participants will sanitize the gym area in which their child was active in prior to leaving the facility. 

  1. Signage will be at the facility entrance to instruct patrons that they cannot enter if they have been diagnosed with COVID-19 (have not recovered or are still within the required 14-day quarantine), had symptoms of COVID-19 (within the last 24 hours), or had contact with a person that has or is suspected to have COVID-19 (within the last 14 days).  

  2. Training equipment will be adjusted or access restricted in order to maintain proper social distancing standards.  

    1. Participants will be assigned specific area and equipment will be provided.  All equipment will sanitized before and after use by participants.  Equipment will be cleaned by staff prior to being put away.

  3. Staff and participants will frequently clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces, such as gym equipment, handrails, doorknobs, and restrooms.

    1. Doors will be left open as much as possible. 

  4. Restrooms will be frequently cleaned and appropriately disinfected throughout the day. Restrooms will be stocked with paper towels, tissues, and soap.

  5. Full gym cleaning and sanitization will be completed multiple times throughout the week.

  6. Participants are required to bring their own water bottles with wide mouth spouts. The water bottle filling station will be available. Congregating at water bottle filling station will be restricted.  

  7. Hand sanitizer will be available throughout the facility.

  8. All participants will wash their hands or use facility provided hand sanitizer upon entrance to the facility and prior to entering the training floor. This will be confirmed by the coach.

  9. Equipment will be sanitized immediately after each use. Sanitation spray will be dispersed throughout the training floor. 

  10. Trainers must wash their hands and use hand sanitizer before and after each training session.

  11. Facility provided towel service will be discontinued during Phase 2. 

    1. Participants will be requested to bring their own towel.

  12. The garage door and entry/exit doors will be left open as much as possible to increase ventilation and provide extra space to socially distance.

  13. Any notice of sickness or violation of PCF Guidelines will be reported to the gym owner and communicated to the Whitman County Public Health Department.  


PCF CURRENT GUIDELINES SHORT LIST (to be displayed in the gym)
  1. Maintain minimum six-feet separation and keep hands to yourself. This unfortunately means no high fives, fist bumps or hugging to celebrate PR’s and other amazing fitness related accomplishments that will undoubtedly occur!

  2. Participants will be assigned one of 5 workout areas for the class and be provided the list of equipment needed for the class to retrieve prior to begging the workout. 

  3. Cloth face coverings may be worn when inside the gym but not required. 

  4. Wipe down all equipment and surfaces touched with cleaning products provided around the gym.

  5. There is a new towel hamper inside the door of the office. Please place used disinfectant towels in the small hamper when done so that they may be properly cleaned.

  6. All water bottles should have a wide-open top so that they may be filled without coming into contact with the waterspout. 

  7. Please do not show up any more than 5-10 minutes prior to your scheduled class and leave within 5-10 minutes of completion of your class. This is to avoid unnecessarily large gatherings where people may not be able to maintain an adequate distance. You will not be allowed in the facility until any previous class has finished and all participants have exited the facility.

  8. Frequently and adequately wash your hands (20 seconds) or use hand sanitizer. Wash/sanitize hands both before and after your workout. 

  9. If you are sick, have a cough, fever or any other illness please stay home and return to the gym when you are fully healthy. 

  10. You may not enter if you have been diagnosed with COVID-19 (have not recovered or are still within the required 14-day quarantine), had symptoms of COVID-19 (within the last 24 hours), or had contact with a person that has or is suspected to have COVID-19 (within the last 14 days).

    1. You will be screened when you arrive and must verify you are not in violation of the guidelines.

  11. High risk clients are not permitted as part of Phase 2 re-opening. High risk clients include people over the age of 65, people with serious underlying medical conditions like chronic lung disease, moderate to severe asthma and people who are immunocompromised. This part is directly from the office of the Governor and not something we have discretion over.

  12. Trainers/coaches will diligently wash their hands and use hand sanitizer before and after each training session.

  13. Doors will be open when/where possible and fans will be utilized to improve ventilation.

  14. Classes will be kept to smaller than usual numbers to ensure adequate social distancing per state guidelines.

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